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Healthcare is getting much more costly each day, and one of the categories in which healthcare expenditures are greatest is in the management of obesity and weight-related ailments. With total primary and secondary expenditures nearing 150 billion dollars every year in America exclusively-or nearly ten percent of total healthcare spending-it’s obvious that excessive weight has reached crisis levels in the United States. Countless men and women struggle toward achieving a healthful, sustainable weight on a daily basis, but nearly all of them don't succeed due to exceedingly limited diet systems, ineffective weight-loss pills, and difficult or arduous physical fitness programs.

Over the past 50 years, though, Dr. Albert Simeons and his research colleagues have found a powerful fat-burning molecule that occurs normally in the human body. Human Chorionic Gonadotropin-or HCG for short-is a glycoprotein hormone continuously generated in tiny amounts in the pituitary glands of all human beings. The pituitary gland is itself located in the hypothalamus, the area of the brain charged with controlling appetite. As blood levels of HCG rise, hunger lessens and metabolic efficiency  improves; HCG is actually the control switch capable of turning appetite on and off.

Dr. Simeons figured out that by providing HCG to people in minute dosages, he could cause fast and noticeable weight-loss-many times as much as 10 pounds in the initial week of injections alone. While HCG diet was originally only obtainable in the form of a series of painful and costly injections, the latest innovations in nutritional research have led to the invention of oral HCG drops. These drops, which combine the strength of the original intramuscular injections with the convenience and low cost of a daily nutritional supplement, allow consumers to burn pounds of unhealthy body fat while enjoying their usual diet and degree of physical activity.

In fact, when coupled with just a small decrease in food intake and a small amount of light physical exercise, HCG accomplishes genuinely amazing results. Individuals partaking in a very low calorie diet (VLCD) while taking HCG lost two times as much excess weight as dieters who only counted calories. Not only that, but because their cravings for food were regulated at their origin, those people consuming regular amounts of HCG actually felt less hungry, ate much less frequently, and consumed fewer total calories than men and women who adhered to a lower calorie diet plan by itself. In only a few short weeks, HCG diet plan consumers achieved their objective weights while control subjects struggled to manage even the slowest weight loss.

With overweight men and women experiencing everything from increased insurance premiums to expensive copays for prescription drugs addressing the complications of being overweight-including hypertension, diabetes, unhealthy cholesterol, and depression-it’s never been more costly to remain at an unhealthy weight. HCG drops are a convenient, sustainable way to burn excess fat and feel great without wasting hundreds to thousands of dollars on complex weight loss systems or building up significant medical debt. losing excess body fat can be inexpensive and easy. HCG can help do exactly that.